Ontario is facing significant housing challenges and increasing supply is becoming a strategic priority for all levels of government.
A fourplex is a residential building with four units with at least one dwelling unit located entirely or partially above another. An existing house also can be converted as a fourplex or an addition to an existing house can be built to have a fourplex that is divided horizontally and/or vertically into four separate dwelling units, each with an entrance that is either independent or through a common vestibule. Four attached dwelling units built side-by-side would generally be considered as townhouses.
Fourplexes expand the range of low-rise housing forms and tenures, and make efficient use of existing infrastructure and services. Fourplexes increase the supply of rental housing and support the achievement of complete communities to accommodate a diverse range of household sizes and incomes. Fourplexes are considered a form of residential infill intensification that is compatible in built form and scale to surrounding development.
More fourplexes will make living in Toronto, Mississauga and Kitchener far more affordable. Typical conversion of a detached home into a fourplex invloves build an addition into the rearyard and divide the building into four two-bedroom dwelling units, one on the main floor, two on the second floor and one in the basement.
The important fact is a fourplex will aways generate exceptional rent revenue, positive cash flow and significant increase to the market value, though a constructing a fourplex is cash heavy upfront and requires significant capital. Most of the property owners build rental fourplexes to have rental income or to reside alongside the extended family, or tenants.
The municipality requires drawings of the proposal to have a fourplex so the City can determine if the proposed fourplex is safe and complies with the municipal Zoning By‑law, the Ontario Building Code, and any other applicable law. A site plan application process is NOT required for residential buildings with four to 10 total dwelling units that do not contain other uses within the building or on the property.
Municipalities can still choose to allow fourplexes in their built-up residential neighbourhoods. Some municipalities in Ontario already have zoning by-laws to allow more density, but building multi-unit dwellings across the province is limited and prevented by lack of water and sewer infrastructure in rural residential neighbourhoods.
Individual ownership of dwelling units in fourplex would only be possible by registering a condominium corporation, an expensive cumbersome process that’s not usually applied to a fourplex.
With a growing population, Toronto which is the Canada's largest city now embraces forplexes to significantlyy increase the housing supply. In the City of Toronto building a fourplex is permitted residential lots zoned R, RD, RS, RM, or RT.
Maximum Permitted Height of a Fourplex in Toronto
The height of a fourplex is the distance between the established grade and the elevation of the highest point of the fourplex.
Fourplexes are subject to maximum height limits in metres. Fourplexes are exempt from zoning by-laws shown on the Height Overlay limiting the maximum number of storeys.
If the Height Overlay on the Interactive Zoning By-Law Map shows a permitted height of less than 10m, the maximum height of a fourplex is 10m.
If the Height Overlay is 10 m or more, that height limit applies.
If there is no maximum height shown on the Height Overlay, height limits for fourplexes are primarily contained in the following zoning Chapter 10 clauses within each zone:
R Zone:
RD Zone:
RS Zone:
RT Zone:
RM Zone:
Maximum Permitted Lot Coverage for a Fourplex in Toronto
Lot Coverage means the percentage of the lot area covered by all buildings,structures or parts thereof, at or above average grade or established grade, exclusive of overhanging eaves of 0.45 m or less, and outdoor swimming pools, but inclusive of pergolas and decks greater than 10 sq.m. and higher than 0.61 m above established grade. For lots having two or more zones, lot coverage shall be deemed to apply to only that portion of the lot that is located within each specified zone.
If the property is subject to lot coverage as indicated by the Lot Coverage Overlay on the Interactive Zoning By-Law Map, the base residential standards in Chapter 10, or a Chapter 900 exception, this regulation still applies to fourplexes.
In the Residential Zone category, any part of a building or structure that is permitted to encroach into a required minimum building setback in Clause, is not included in the calculation of lot coverage.
In the Residential Zone category, any part of a platform without main walls, such as a deck, porch, balcony, or similar structure that does not encroach into a required minimum building setback, and any roof, canopy, awning, or similar structure above the platform, is not included in the calculation of lot coverage, if it is attached to or less than 0.3 metres from a building; and the lot area covered by these structures is no more than 5% of the lot area.
Maximum Permitted Floor Space Index (FSI) for a Fourplex in Toronto
Maximum floor space index regulations, as indicated by a “d” with a number value in the zone label (for example d 1.0), do NOT apply to fourplexes.
If there is a Chapter 900 exception that applies to the fourplex, indicated by an (x) followed by a number in the zone label, any maximum floor space index specified in this exception may still apply to a fourplex.
Floor Space Index (FSI) means the ratio of the gross floor area of all buildings and structures to the lot area. Gross Floor Area means the sum of the areas of each storey of a fourplex above or below established grade, measured from the exterior of outside walls of the fourplex including floor area occupied by interior walls but excluding any part of the fourplex used for mechanical floor area, stairwells, elevators, motor vehicle parking, bicycle parking, storage lockers, below-grade storage, any enclosed area used for the collection or storage of disposable or recyclable waste generated within the fourplex, common facilities for the use of the residents of the fourplex,and amenity area.
Minimum Required Setbacks for a Fourplex in Toronto
Fourplexes are now subject to the same building setbacks as other residential building types in each zone. The minimum required setbacks that apply to a fourplex depend on the zone in which the fourplex is located. Setback regulations are primarily contained in the following Chapter 10 clauses:
R Zone:
RD Zone:
RS Zone:
RT Zone:
RM Zone:
Fourplex with a Garden Suite or Laneway Suite in Toronto
It is possible to have an accessory dwelling unit, like a garden suite or laneway suite on the same property as a fourplex, if certain regulations are met.
Parking Requirements for a Fourplex in Toronto
Fourplexes are not required to provide parking spaces on the property.
If the property owner chooses to provide parking spaces, they must comply with the standards set out in the Zoning By-Law, including regulations in Chapter 10, Chapter 200, and any applicable Chapter 900 exception:
R Zone: 900.2
RD Zone: 900.3
RS Zone: 900.4
RT Zone: 900.5
RM Zone: 900.6
Development Charges Payable for a Fourplex in Toronto
In most cases, fourplexes are exempt from development charges and cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. Exemptions for development charges for fourplexes are found in 415-6 A.(2) of the Municipal Code. Exemptions for cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication for fourplexes are found in 415-30 (16) of the Municipal Code. Even though development charges are waived by the City of Toronto, still School Boards require education charges for the conversion to have a fourplex.
Multiple Front Entrance for a Fourplex in Toronto
Fourplexes may have multiple front entrances. The multiplex zoning by-law amendment (By-law 474-2023 also deleted the restrictions on front entrances for secondary suites.
Balconies/decks on a Fourplex in Toronto
Two balconies or decks are permitted per unit: one on the front and one on the rear of the fourplex. Balconies and decks must be located on the second storey or above and cannot project beyond the maximum limits specified in the Zoning By-law. Fourplexes on a corner lot may also locate balconies on the side wall facing a street.
Refuse Storage Area
At-grade, well-ventilated, refuse storage area (3 m x 1 m by 1.5 m in height) on private property for each of the dwellings, configured in such a manner as to allow for the bins to be transferred to curbside for City collection. Storage is permitted in the garage, but it must be shown with the dimensions above. Screening at the front of the unit is also acceptable when used with the dimensions above.
Tree Protection By-law applicable to Fourplex Project in Toronto
Any activity that can cause a tree of 30cm or more in diameter, to be injured or removed, on private property, is prohibited unless authorized with a permit under the Tree Protection By-law.
Zoning Review for a Fourplex
To determine whether a proposed fourplex complies with the Zoning By-law, we need to apply for a Zoning Review and obtain a Zoning Applicable Law Certificate.
Minor Variance Application to have a Fourplex
If required we can apply to the City of Toronto Committee of Adjustment to request a minor variance to the Zoning By-law.
Several investors and builders are now looking for lots with a laneway garage at the rear in the City of Toronto to build a fourplex with a laneway-suite.
Fourplexes in Mississauga
The City of Mississauga has approved a motion to allow residents to build fourplexes on low-rise residential lots.
The City of Mississauga's new by-laws:
The City of Mississauga has developed purpose-built fourplex regulations for the majority of lots that permit detached dwellings in the City of Mississauga. As a result, purpose-built fourplex regulations are basedon the R5 zone, which is the smallest standard base zone for detached dwellings, with a minimum lot area and lot frontage of 295m² (3,175ft²) and 9.75 m (32 ft), respectively.
Purpose-Built Fourplex Regulations in Mississauga
In Mississauga, a new fourplex is permitted only in the following zones: Rl to Rll, Rl5, R16, RMI, RM2 and RM7.
Maximum Height : 10.6 m (34.8 ft.) to the peak of a sloped roof; 8.1 m (24.6 ft.) to the top of a flat roof
Minimum Front Yard : 6.0 m (19.7 ft.)
Minimum Interior Side Yard : 1.2 m (3.9 ft.)
Minimum Rear Yard : 7.5 m (24.6 ft.)
Minimum Exterior Side Yard : 4.5 m (14.8 ft.)
Maximum Lot Coverage: Additional 10% above the base zone, but only for the purpose of a fourplex
Maximum Dwelling Depth: 20 m (65.6 ft.)
Required Parking Spaces: 2 (No additional requirement)
In Mississauga, an additional residential unit can’t be built on a lot that has a fourplex. Different regulations apply in Mississauga based on whether the fourplex is converted from the existing home or a new build.
Fourplex conversions are low-rise residential buildings that have been remodelled to accommodate four separate units. In this case, all four units must fit within the building footprint of the home that existed as of December 6, 2023. Additions can’t be built to accommodate four units - The enlargement of a detached dwelling legally existing on December 6, 2023, for the purposes of conversion to a fourplex shall not be permitted.
A purpose-built fourplex is a new residential building that’s designed and built to accommodate four separate apartments. These fourplexes are subject to the City of Mississauga's new zoning regulations, which provide more flexibility than the conversion of an existing home, which includes additional height, reduced setbacks, and increased lot coverage.
In Mississauga, the Average Grade means with reference to a detached fourplex, the average of eight grade elevations, six of which are taken along the side lot lines of a lot and two of which are taken at the centreline of the street on which the lot has frontage. The first two grade elevations shall be taken at the points of intersection of the front lot line and each side lot line. The second two grade elevations shall be taken along each side property line at the minimum front yard setback requirement of the zone in which the fourplex is located. The third two grade elevations shall be taken along each side prope1iy line at a distance of 15 m back from where the second two grade elevations were measured. The last two grade elevations shall be taken at the points of intersection of the street centerline and the projections of the side lot lines.
In Mississauga, the height of a fourplex means, the vertical distance between the average grade and:
The permitted maximum height for purpose-built fourplexes in Mississauga would facilitate three storey buildings with a sloped roof and two-storey buildings with a flat roof, while allowing for flexibility for a partially above-grade basement unit. This added flexibility in height is important as bedrooms and living spaces in basement units require minimum window sizes under the Ontario Building Code.
In an R5 zone in Mississauga, the proposed yards outlined above would facilitate a minimum required floor area of 105m² (1,130ft²) per storey, including any internal stairs.
In addition, the required minimum side yard setbacks would facilitate windows on both side walls of the fourplex without major restrictions in the Ontraio Building Code. With a three storey building and a basement unit, each unit would be able to comfortably accommodate a three-bedroom, family-sized unit. For larger lots, maximum permitted dwelling depth of 20m (65.6ft) limits potentially oversized fourplexes.
A purpose-built fourplex necessitates more flexibility with lot coverage, and therefore, additional 10% is permitted for a fourplex (e.g. 50% whereas the base zone permits 40%).
On larger, wider lots, required parking may be accommodated in the rear yard, with access from the side yard, which is common with many existing fourplexes in the City of Mississauga. This approach would allow the front yard space to be used as an amenity area. On the other hand, smaller narrower lots will be required to accommodate the required parking in the front yard or in an attached garage, resulting in the rear yard being used as amenity area.
In order to maintain amenity space on the property, and to make fourplexes feasible across Mississauga, no additional parking spaces be required by the City of Mississauga for fourplexes. On lots that are large enough to have extensive rear yards, and wide enough to accommodate a driveway in an interior side yard, a maximum of four parking spaces be permitted in the rear yard by the City of Mississauga. The City of Mississauga's zoning by-law is already permissive to allow for hard surface in the rear yard, provided that 0.61 m (2 ft.) is maintained along the lot lines for drainage.We believe that every project is unique and requires a customized approach. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and goals, and we develop solutions that are tailored to their requirements. Our approach ensures that our clients get the best possible outcome from their investment.
The City of Kitchener approved new Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to have fourplxes on residential lots in Kitchener where zoning permits single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwelling units located in
existing buildings;
additions to new buildings; or
new buildings either as the main building or in the backyard.
More than 95% of lots in the City of Kitchener are occupied by single detached, semi-detached or street-facing townhouses; most of these over 55,000, have only one residential dwelling unit on the lot.
The application process for a Fourplex in Kitchener has two parts:
We design the true site-specific fourplex design to suit our client's dream redevelopment project. We creatively and cost effectively try our best to incorporate everything possible on our client's dream residential redevelopment project wish list to have a fourplex. We pride ourselves on work diligently to create real value for each client.
Our residential redevelopment Architectural Package to obtain Building Permits to redevelop a property with a fourplex is $5,975 ⁺ʰˢᵗ. For fourplexes over 4,000ft², an additional fee of $425⁺ʰˢᵗ per every 485ft² or part of it over 4,000ft² would apply. A finished basement would cost an additional $975+HST. A basement walkout would cost an additional $775⁺ʰˢᵗ. An outdoor swimming pool would cost $775⁺ʰˢᵗ extra. A covered porch, outdoor deck or balcony would cost $675⁺ʰˢᵗ additional per structure. The second kitchen to have a second suite in the basement would cost an additional $875⁺ʰˢᵗ. A Coach House, Garden House, or a Laneway Suite would cost $1,975⁺ʰˢᵗ per building. Accessory buildings including garages, carports, sheds, workshops, and gazebos would cost $975⁺ʰˢᵗ per building.
Our Residential Redevelopment Architectural Package to have a fourplex includes
Site Plan
Summary of permitted and proposed zoning provisions for lot area, building area (GFA), coverage, and grade elevations to confirm height.
Property lines, lot area, right-of-way or easements (referenced to a current survey)
Overall dimensions of all buildings (width/length)
Proposed finished first floor & basement elevations
Location of existing/proposed buildings with overall dimensions and setback dimensions to property lines and adjacent buildings.
Dimensioned parking areas, driveways, hard & soft landscape treatments, accessory structures (sheds, decks, detached garages, etc).
Limiting distances for exterior wall openings
Floor Plans (Up to 3 Revisions - Any additional revisions to the Floor plans will be billed at $395⁺ʰˢᵗ per each occurrence)
Fully dimensioned, for each level showing existing & proposed uses of all spaces, including location of smoke alarms & carbon monoxide detectors and all plumbing fixtures.
Elevations (Up to 3 Revisions - Any additional revisions to the elevations will be billed at $395⁺ʰˢᵗ per each occurrence)
Exterior finishes with roof slopes, window/door type, locations & sizes including height of sills above floor level.
Exterior Cladding Materials Colour Palette Schedule
Area of exposed building face, percentage/area of unprotected openings and required limiting distance(s).
Exterior decks/landings, stairs, guards/handrails.
Floor to floor, floor to ceiling and overall building heights.
Cross section(s) to show existing/proposed building construction and specifications of all floor, wall, & roof assemblies.
Construction Details and Notes
Detail stairs, landings, guards & handrails.
Building materials & specifications of all wall, floor, and roof assemblies with typical wall section and typical roof detail.
Guard details including connection detail.
No additional charges for required revisions & changes to our architectural drawings and plans due to the comments from the authorities upon reviewing the drawings prepared by us.
Our Engineering Drawings Package to obtain Building Permits for a proposed residential redevelopment to have a fourplex is 5,975⁺ʰˢᵗ. For fourplexes over 4,000ft² an additional fee of $425⁺ʰˢᵗ per every 485ft² or part of it over 4,000ft² Required Structural Engineering Drawings for Accessory Buildings would cost $975⁺ʰˢᵗ per building.
Stamped engineering shop drawings are required for pre-engineered floor systems and prefabricated roof trusses and typically, the truss manufacturers may charge a fee for the stamped engineering shop drawings.
Our Engineering Drawings Package for the residential redevelopment to have a Fourplex includes:
Mechanical (HVAC)
The total building permit fee payable to the municipality to build a fourplex depends on the size of the proposed fourplex including the number of plumbing fixtures.
Land Development Experts is a full-service civil engineering firm dedicated to delivering innovative and sustainable solutions to our clients. Our experienced team is committed to excellence in every aspect of our work.
Key Players of Our Fourplex Design Team includes
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