Site Grading (Lot Grading) Plan, Drainage Plan
Our Licensed Professional Engineers specializing in Engineered Site Grading (Lot Grading) offer Engineered Site Grading Plans (Lot Grading Plans), Drainage and Erosion/Sediment/Siltation Control Plans to obtain site plan approval and building permits in Ontario including Toronto (City of Toronto), Hamilton (City of Hamilton), Oshawa (City of Oshawa), Pickering (City of Pickering), Clarington (Municipality of Clarington), Ajax (Town of Ajax), Whitby (Town of Whitby), Brock (Township of Brock), Scugog (Township of Scugog), Uxbridge (Township of Uxbridge), Burlington (City of Burlington), Halton Hills (Town of Halton Hills), Milton (Town of Milton), Oakville (Town of Oakville), Brampton (City of Brampton), Mississauga (City of Mississauga), Caledon (Town of Caledon), Vaughan (City of Vaughan), Aurora (Town of Aurora), East Gwillimbury (Town of East Gwillimbury), Georgina (Town of Georgina), Markham (City of Markham), Newmarket (Town of Newmarket), Richmond Hill (City of Richmond Hill), Whitchurch - Stouffville (Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville), King (Township of King), Bradford-West Gwillimbury (Town of Bradford-West Gwillimbury), Brighton (Municipality of Brighton), Quinte West (City of Quinte West), Peterborough (City of Peterborough), Selwyn (Town of Selwyn), Kawartha Lakes (City of Kawartha Lakes), North Kawartha (Town of North Kawartha), Minden Hills (Town of Minden Hills), St. Catharines (City of St. Catharines), Wainfleet (Town of Wainfleet), Niagara on the Lake (Town of Niagara on the Lake), Brant (County of Brant), Guelph (City of Guelph), Centre Wellington (Town of Centre Wellington), Orangeville (Town of Orangeville), Shelburne (Town of Shelburne), New Tecumseth (Town of New Tecumseth), Essa (Town of Essa), Collingwood (Town of Collingwood), Wasaga Beach (Town of Wasaga Beach), Barrie (City of Barrie), Midland (Town of Midland), Orillia (City of Orillia), Ramara (Town of Ramara), Woodstock (City of Woodstock), Woolwich (Town of Woolwich), Waterloo (City of Waterloo), Cambridge (City of Cambridge), Kitchener (City of Kitchener).
Having vast experience in municipal engineering design, we offer effective, innovative, and cost-efficient Engineered Site Grading Plans (Lot Grading Plans), Drainage Plans, Erosion & Sediment Control Plans, and Site Servicing Plans to our clients. Our team's proficiency in conceptualizing Engineered Site Grading, Drainage, Erosion/Sediment/Siltation Control designs, and plans in accordance with our clients' requirements has made us very successful. Our licensed professional engineers prepare thorough, detailed, and clear Site Grading Plans (Lot Grading Plans), Drainage Plans, Erosion / Sediment / Siltation Control Plans, and Site Servicing Plans to suit our client's needs while also adhering to the design requirements of the municipality/conservation authority and submit to the municipality for review and approval to obtain site plan approvals and building permits.
Combining our knowledge in Municipal Engineering, extensive experience in Lot Grading plans, Drainage plans, Erosion/Sediment Control plans, and expertise in innovative unique, distinctive & cost-effective designs, our engineers offer the perfect solution to our clients. Since our licensed Professional Engineers certify the site grading (lot grading), drainage and erosion, and sediment control plans and drawings they are filing for site plan approval, and building permits are in compliance with the Ontario Building Code, Municipal By-laws, and Regional Government Authority Requirements, the municipal plan review process for Site Plan Approval and Building Permit is always much faster.
We prepare lot grading plans
The grading design for residential lots shall be as follows:
Lots including drainage ditches, swales, and boulevards shall be completely top-soiled and sodded with a minimum depth of 200 mm of topsoil and Number 1 grade Turfgrass Nursery Sod; quality and source to comply with standards outlined in Canadian Nursery Landscape Association – Canadian Standards for Nursery Stock – latest edition.
A minimum depth of 750 mm of topsoil shall be provided in designated tree-planting trenches
Minimum yard slope= 2%; Maximum yard slope = 5%
Minimum driveway slope = 2%; all driveways must slope away from the dwelling units; Maximum driveway slope = 8%
Front yards and driveways of residential lots shall be graded to drain toward the street
A maximum grade between houses in any direction shall be 3 horizontal: 1 vertical
Any required 3:1 slope shall commence at least 5 m from the rear wall of any dwelling unit
To provide access to rear yards, a minimum 0.60 m wide flat access strip (at 2%) shall be provided along at least one side of the building where side yard setback permits (usually along the garage side or side door entrance). This may not be possible for some walkouts in which case 3 : 1 slope, as per municipal criteria shall be used
A minimum of 0.15 m shall be provided between the highest lot grade adjacent to the house and the top of the foundation wall
Clear stone, rather than topsoil and sod, shall be required for combined side yards between two buildings that are 1.20 m or less. For side yards greater than 1.2 m, clear stone may be required at the discretion of the Municipality.
Rear yards that drain through abutting lower back-to-front type lots are permitted where:
➢ A maximum of four rear yards or 0.1 ha may drain to a single swale
➢ Sufficient fall shall be available between the adjacent streets to achieve desired grades for swales and yards
➢ Cut-off swales along the rear lot lines shall direct runoff from the upper lots into the lower lot side yard swales
Proposed and existing elevations shall be shown at all lot corners as a minimum. Additional grading information shall be provided as per municipal standards.
Driveways are not permitted as outlets for drainage swales
The existing and proposed elevations shall relate to a geodetic benchmark. Grading shall be performed so as to preserve existing trees, where possible. A 0.6 m minimum undisturbed strip shall be maintained along all sides and rear lot boundaries. During infill construction, siltation control methods shall be undertaken around the lot perimeter to prevent erosion and sedimentation on adjacent lots. Grades shall be compatible with adjacent road grades, abutting lots, and any proposed local improvements
The capacity and alignment of boundary swales shall not adversely affect adjacent lots. The contractor must perform all necessary works to ensure that no surface drainage problems are created on or adjacent to private or public lots because of their development. Site Grading Plans shall generally be prepared at a scale acceptable to the municipality unless clarity of presentation dictates otherwise. The following information shall be shown on each Lot Grading Plan:
Road layout including curbs, sidewalks, and centre-line road elevations
Above-ground services including curbs, sidewalks, catchbasins, valves, hydrants, light poles, transformers, utility pedestals, and other street furniture
Service connections (Water, Sanitary, Storm) lateral invert elevations at the street line
Finished first-floor elevations of adjacent properties and adjacent land uses/grading
Existing trees to be preserved
Proposed elevations for lot corners, swale inverts and intermediate points of grade change at reasonable intervals along the boundaries of the lot to illustrate the drainage of the lot in relation to the surrounding lots and buildings
Side yard swale inverts opposite each corner of the unit
For front draining lots, the rear yard swale invert elevation shall also be shown at the high point. This elevation shall be a minimum of 0.15 m below the grade adjacent to the rear entrance
The direction of surface water runoff shall be shown by an arrow
Grate and invert elevations of all rear yard catchbasins
Proposed fencing including acoustical, privacy and flankage fencing
Proposed building location, including porches and steps/stairs
House elevations including the finished first floor, basement slab, and underside of footing
Engineered fill and extended footing information, where required
Sill elevations at side entrances where elevation differs from the finished first-floor
The number of risers at each entrance to the dwelling
Elevation at the centre of the driveway at the street line as well as the garage entrance elevation
Proposed retaining walls with proposed spot elevations indicated at the top and bottom of the wall
Driveway grades
Existing spot elevations within the lot, minimum 5 m outside the lot boundaries, on abutting public streets, and at a minimum of 10 m intervals within the lot. Include the doorstep elevation and finished floor elevations of adjacent lots
Identification of any existing swales, ditches, culverts, creeks, watercourses, ravines, and drainage easements/routes complete with elevations, inverts, and arrows indicating the surface draining direction
Arrows indicating the direction of surface drainage on all proposed paved, granular, and grassed areas and the slope (between 2% and 5%)
Must maintain a minimum 0.60 m undisturbed strip around the perimeter of the site wherever it abuts adjacent lots
Proposed spot elevations at all high/low points of side yard swales, top and bottom of slopes, all changes in gradient, top and bottom of retaining walls (to be a minimum of 0.60 m away from the lot line), building corners, etc.
A minimum of 0.1 m shall be provided between the highest lot grade adjacent to the building and the top of the foundation wall
Cross-section details of swales, if different from the standard 0.15 m depth with 3:1 slopes on both sides
Proposed roof downspout locations and direction of flow
Locations of any regulatory flood lines or development limit lines (i.e. setback and slope stability limits) For rural sites: location of septic tanks, the outline of tile beds, wells, and holding tanks for fire fighting
Proposed locations for all tree protection zones (if applicable). The drawing shall include municipal tree preservation standards.
Details on proposed vehicular entrances to the residence (including elevations at the garage and lot line, driveway slope between 2% and 8%). Show the limit of the garage door opening. Ensure minimum offset of 1.2 m to boulevard furniture (light and utility poles, pedestals, transformers, hydrants, mailboxes, trees, bus shelters) in existing development along right of way to remain unchanged
Proposed curb and sidewalk depression locations and re-installation of curb, by the municipality at the expense of the owner
Catchbasin sediment trap standard detail if there are catch basins within 50m of site. Note on drawings that catchbasins are to be fitted with sediment trap
The Site Grading Plan (Lot Grading Plan) prepared by our licensed professional engineers specializing in municipal engineering will illustrate how the lot will be graded to provide erosion and sediment (siltation) protection during the construction phase; how the final lot grading will ensure positive draining away from all buildings; how the rainfall-runoff will be directed to an approved outlet; and that the site grading is compatible with the adjacent lots. The site grading plan (lot grading plan) is to be implemented in a fashion to allows stormwater management to be implemented using both the minor and major drainage systems. Improper site grading of the lot can result in poor surface drainage, ponding or flooding around the basement wall, foundation settlement or other damage, basement dampness, and other undesirable effects.
Site Grading Plan typically includes the following:
The following standard notes are placed on the Lot Grading Plan:
Fee for a typical Site Grading (Lot Grading) and Drainage Plan for single dwelling properties including custom build homes and additions in Ontario including Toronto (City of Toronto), Hamilton (City of Hamilton), Oshawa (City of Oshawa), Pickering (City of Pickering), Clarington (Municipality of Clarington), Ajax (Town of Ajax), Whitby (Town of Whitby), Brock (Township of Brock), Scugog (Township of Scugog), Uxbridge (Township of Uxbridge), Burlington (City of Burlington), Halton Hills (Town of Halton Hills), Milton (Town of Milton), Oakville (Town of Oakville), Brampton (City of Brampton), Mississauga (City of Mississauga), Caledon (Town of Caledon), Vaughan (City of Vaughan), Aurora (Town of Aurora), East Gwillimbury (Town of East Gwillimbury), Georgina (Town of Georgina), Markham (City of Markham), Newmarket (Town of Newmarket), Richmond Hill (City of Richmond Hill), Whitchurch - Stouffville (Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville), King (Township of King), Bradford-West Gwillimbury (Town of Bradford-West Gwillimbury), Brighton (Municipality of Brighton), Quinte West (City of Quinte West), Kawartha Lakes (City of Kawartha Lakes), North Kawartha (Town of North Kawartha), Minden Hills (Town of Minden Hills), Selwyn (Town of Selwyn), Peterborough (City of Peterborough), St.Catharines (City of St. Catharines), Wainfleet (Town of Wain Fleet), Niagara on the Lake (Town of Niagara on the Lake), Brant (County of Brant), Guelph (City of Guelph), Centre-Wellington (Township of Centre Wellington), Shelburne (Town of Shelburne), Orangeville (Town of Orangeville), New Tesumseth (Town of New Tecumseth), Essa (Town of Essa), Collingwood (Town of Collingwood), Wasaga Beach (Town of Wasaga Beach), Barrie (City of Barrie), Midland (Town of Midland), Orillia (City of Orillia), Ramara (Town of Ramara), Woolwich (Town of Woolwich), Woodstock (City of Woodstock), Waterloo (City of Waterloo), Kitchener (City of Kitchener), and Cambridge (City of Cambridge) is $1,295+HST.
If a Stamped Engineering Site Servicing, Grading, Drainage, and Erosion/Sediment/Siltation Control Plan (Lot Servicing, Lot Grading, Lot Drainage, Erosion/Sediment/Siltation Control Plan) is required it would cost $1,990+HST.
We also design septic systems to obtain septic permits. Typical stamped engineering residential class 4 sewage system design complying with provisions of Division 8 Part 8 of O.B.C and if required, a design of a tertiary treatment unit, pump chamber, and a shallow buried trench would cost $1,695+HST and upon receipt of all the required information, could be completed in 5 to 8 business days.
If required, a new soil sampling and particle size distribution analysis by
an accredited laboratory to find the Unified Soil Classification as described
in MMAH Supplementary Standard SB-6 and the "T" time would cost $595+HST.
If Hydrometer Testing is required, it would cost an additional fee of $125+HST.
If the client wishes to have two separate septic systems designed, the design
of a second septic system would cost an additional fee of $795+HST.
If deemed necessary by the municipality and/or the Conservation Authority,
the applicant may be requested to provide supporting reports, assessments, plans, and analyses including the following:
Depending on the scope of work, the fee for preparing any of the above-mentioned reports/analyses may vary.
The septic contractor may have to contact the Municipal Officials to determine their requirements and if they need inspectors on site for the test pit investigation/assessment, the required number of test pits and arrange for septic test pit digging equipment based on site accessibility.
We need the following to prepare a Septic Design:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For Additional Information please contact the following Key Players of Our Design Team:
Land Line: 416 332 1743
After Hours / Text Messages: 416 727 8336
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