Tiny Township requires that all lots in which a building permit application has been made to construct a new home or a cottage have a Lot Grading Plan. Tiny Township may waive the requirement of submitting a Lot Grading Plan if a new home or cottage is located a minimum of 30 m from all lot lines and/or addition does not exceed 46.5 sq.m. (500 sq.ft.) in size. A building permit application will not be accepted by the Tiny Township without a Lot Grading Plan and the Lot Grading Plan Review Checklist.
There is no Conservation Authority jurisdiction within the limits of Tiny Township. The Tiny Township has no tree-cutting by-law, however, Tiny Township recommends that the lot owner confirms lot boundaries before any trees are cut. The County of Simcoe has a Forest Conservation By-law which applies to properties that are larger than 1.0 hectares.
Lot Grading Plans prepared by our Licensed Professional Engineers (P.Eng.), qualified and competent in grading and drainage design Lot Grading Plan will conform to all requirements of Tiny Township and ensure that the subject lot is to be properly graded and drained, and does not adversely affect abutting properties including Tiny Township, Simcoe County, and Province of Ontario lands.
It is the Professional Engineer (P.Eng.’s) licensed in Ontario's responsibility to notify Tiny Township or designate prior to finalizing the Lot Grading Plan if drainage issues are a concern within a Tiny Township's public right of way.
If the subject lot abuts Provincial Highway 93 or is located within a Ministry of Transportation MTO Highway Corridor then a permit will be required from the Ministry of Transportation MTO prior to the issuance of a building permit by Tiny Township.
If the subject lot abuts Simcoe County Rd 6 North, Simcoe County Rd 25 (Balm Beach Road), Simcoe County Rd 26, Simcoe County Rd 29 (Crossland Rd), Lafontaine Rd East or Awenda Park Rd or located within a County of Simcoe Road Corridor then a permit will be required from County of Simcoe prior to the issuance of a building permit by Tiny Township.
Any erosion and sediment ESC control measures deemed necessary to prevent migration of silt and sediment from the subject lot to any adjacent lot, including public right-of-ways shall be indicated on the Lot Grading Plan approved by Tiny Township and shall be implemented and maintained by the lot owner.
Special care shall be taken during the construction of a new home or cottage in Tiny Township to ensure that silt and sediment-laden surface water does not enter any watercourses or environmentally sensitive areas, either overland or through the storm drainage system. I
nterim lot grading measures may be required during the construction of a new home or cottage in Tiny Township to ensure that drainage does not adversely affect the neighboring lots. Rough grading of the lot shall be completed such that stormwater drainage is contained on-site or controlled to a positive outlet.
In many areas within Tiny Township, the municipal stormwater drainage systems are limited or non-existent. As such the lot grading design must consider ways and means to keep any increase in stormwater run-off from the subject lot to a minimum, utilizing acceptable stormwater retention techniques.
In areas where positive stormwater drainage is not available within Tiny Township's road allowance the lot owner may be required to provide a soakaway pit and/or grade the boulevard to a sufficient outlet to the satisfaction of Tiny Township or designate in such a way that ponding of stormwater not occur on the surface of the road.
Retaining walls are not to encroach onto Tiny Township's property. Retaining walls along lot lines shall be constructed wholly within the subject lot.
Approvals must be obtained from the Federal (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, etc.) and Provincial (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, etc.) Governments for construction of retaining walls adjacent to Georgian Bay, if required.
No new homes or cottages located adjacent to Georgian Bay shall have any building opening below the 178.5 m G.S.C. elevation. Based on the observed groundwater table elevation (if observed), the Lot Grading Plan shall also provide an “estimated seasonal high groundwater table elevation”. Where the groundwater table is less than the width of the footings below the bearing surface, other means of determining the “estimated seasonal high groundwater table elevation” shall be considered, which could include a review of adjacent lot sump pump discharge and basement elevation.
Foundation drains shall drain to a swale or dry well. Drainage directly to a municipal ditch is not permitted, which includes roof leaders, basement sumps, and foundation drains.
When reasonably possible, the perimeter elevation of the proposed new home/cottage must be at least 300 mm higher than the edge of any adjacent roadway or public property.
Stormwater drainage flows shall be directed away from all buildings at a minimum grade of 2%. Ponding stormwater adjacent to the foundation walls of the new home or cottage is unacceptable. The maximum lot surface grade at any location shall be 5% and a slope of 3 parts horizontal to 1 part vertical shall be used to take up the grade differentials in excess of this 5% slope.
The minimum driveway grade shall be 2% and shall not exceed a maximum grade of 6%, measured from the garage or house/cottage face, to the edge of roadway pavement. Where existing grades are too steep to comply with these requirements, there may be the option of matching adjacent lot grades as determined appropriate by Tiny Township. Additional drainage measures may be required in order to prevent hardscaping flow directly onto the road allowance.
Where landscaping improvements are proposed adjacent to the driveway (i.e.driveway edging), driveway edging must be flush with the driveway surface (and back of curb, if applicable) to a minimum of 1.5 m beyond the edge of pavement/curb line. Where sidewalks exist along the frontage of the proposed new home/cottage, driveway edging must be flush with the driveway surface for a minimum of 500 mm beyond the back of the sidewalk.
Swales shall be located entirely within the limits of the lot and shall match existing grades at the lot lines to ensure that no drainage outlets onto adjacent lots. The minimum slope for all rear and side yard swales shall be 2% with a minimum depth of 150 mm. A 1% minimum slope will be considered for rear and side yard swales where there are soil conditions that allow infiltration of stormwater.
All Lot Grading Plans to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township must have regard for and take into consideration the presence of the natural groundwater table and its seasonal fluctuations. As a minimum the lot owner must coordinate, at their expense, the undertaking of a 2 m deep test pit within the proposed construction’s footprint, or in close proximity to the proposed construction, to permit their Professional Engineer (P.Eng)licensed in Ontario to determine if a high groundwater table exists and determine the estimated seasonal high groundwater table elevation. The test pit location, high groundwater elevation (if it exists), the estimated seasonal high groundwater table elevation and date of the observance of the test pit are to be shown on the Lot Grading Plan to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township.
A high-water table can limit the type of footing/foundation system that can be used to construct a new home or a cottage and can create additional concerns in regard to soil-bearing capacity and water displacement. To determine the soil type and water table level a test pit may be required along with the services of a professional soils/geotechnical engineer licensed in Ontario.
If standing water is found in the test hole or if it is deemed necessary by Tiny Township or the Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) licensed in Ontario preparing the Lot Grading Plan to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township, the applicant will be required to provide a Geotechnical Report in addition to the Lot Grading Plan to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township. Our structural engineers use advanced analysis tools to evaluate the performance and safety of existing structures, and to design new structures that can withstand extreme loads and environmental conditions. We provide recommendations for repairs and upgrades to ensure the longevity of the structures.
The Geotechnical Report shall be prepared by a qualified Geotechnical Professional Engineer licensed in Ontario identifying site soil conditions, soil bearing capacity, existing groundwater table elevation (if it exists), provide an estimated seasonal high groundwater table elevation, and comment if the proposed elevations of the new home/cottage will be affected by hydrostatic pressure.
If there is a risk of hydrostatic pressure on the proposed new home cottage, the Professional Geotechnical Engineer licensed in Ontario shall make recommendations to the Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)licensed in Ontario preparing the Lot Grading Plan to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township, as to changes to the proposed building elevations to eliminate the risk of hydrostatic pressure on components of the proposed new home/cottage.
The Professional Geotechnical Engineer licensed in Ontario shall also make any recommendations as to the construction of the proposed new home or cottage they deem necessary due to the site conditions. The Geotechnical report shall be used by the Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)licensed in Ontario preparing the Lot Grading Plan to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township, to make the necessary alterations, if required, to the building elevations to ensure there is no risk of hydrostatic pressure on the components of the proposed new home/cottage. In all circumstances, the underside of any slabs-on-ground shall not be less than 400 mm above the estimated seasonal high groundwater table. If this cannot be achieved through setting the elevations then changes will be required to the proposed construction of the new home/cottage.
Architectural Designers of new homes and cottages must stick to Ontario Building Code's assumed limits. Allowing the geotechnical engineers to conduct a detailed geotechnical investigation of the site helps the owner achieve the goal of creating the most cost-effective footing and foundation design. The only way to get the actual soil-bearing capacity is through Geotechnical Investigation and Testing, and the results can be well worth it. If soil has a greater load-bearing capacity, you may not have to spend as much on concrete and rebar when it comes to constructing foundation footings. Reducing the width of a basement footing design can mean significant savings. Also, if the Geotechnical Investigation identifies very soft soil, and the footing is designed accordingly, it will prevent extremely expensive foundation repairs.
A lack of geotechnical data also increases the risk of the contractor encountering unforeseen soil and groundwater problems resulting in change orders, a rise in cost, and delays. Costs associated with unforeseen dewatering during excavation can spiral a project budget out of control if proper consideration is not given to conduct a Geotechnical assessment.
If the underside of the footings is to be placed below the footing width above the estimated seasonal high ground water table then our Licensed Professional Engineers in Ontario (P.Eng.) will review the proposed footing and foundation design for the new home/cottage, taking into consideration the soil conditions to ensure the proposed structural components of the new home/cottage are designed adequately. Our Professional Structural Engineer licensed in Ontario (P.Eng.) will seal/stamp all structural drawings to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township.
Our Professional Engineers (P.Eng.) licensed in Ontario may also make recommendations as to changes to the construction of the new home/cottage to accommodate specific site conditions. Where no existing or natural outlets exist, stormwater drainage shall be directed and collected utilizing designed infiltration technologies as specified by the Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) licensed in Ontario.
Examples of designed infiltration technologies include an infiltration gallery or a soakaway pit to hold stormwater, while it dissipates. Permission from Tiny Township is required to utilize designed stormwater infiltration technologies to ensure that Tiny Township’s stormwater drainage system can handle the additional discharge volume. If such outlets do not exist and designed stormwater infiltration technologies cannot be accommodated with the proposed construction of a new home /cottage then modifications
Each Lot Grading Plan to be submitted for Approval by Tiny Township must include the following:
Mandatory General Notes shall be included on Lot Grading Plans to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township
The following general notes shall be included on every Lot Grading Plan to be submitted for approval by Tiny Township:
Our fee for Individual Lot Grading Plan including Drainage and Erosion/sediment Control Plan as per the Township of Tiny’s Requirements / Guidelines prepared and stamped by our Professional Engineers Licensed in Ontario is $1,295+HST per lot and would be ready in 4 to 7 business days upon receipt of all the required information and documents.
If required by Tiny Township including a Water Servicing Plan would cost $695 + HST.
Our fee to visit the site to observe the depth of the seasonal high groundwater table is $595+HST per visit.
Private Septic System - Tiny Township
There are no municipal sewers in Tiny Township of Tiny. All homes and cottages in Tiny Township are to be serviced by septic systems.
The Tiny Township is responsible for all approvals relating to septic systems and ensuring that these septic systems are operating properly.
The Tiny Township has retained the services of Tatham Engineering to act as the approval agent for all septic system-related approvals.
It is critical for development to determine if a vacant lot in Tiny Township is capable of being serviced by an individual on-site septic system, including, but not limited to, ensuring all minimum clearance distances are met.
Any new individual on-site septic system must comply with the requirements of Division B, Part 8 of the Ontario Building Code (OBC).
Our Professional Engineers licensed in Ontario design a variety of advanced, innovative, predictable, permanent, robust, cost-effective, compact, low energy, low maintenance, visually subtle, and efficient onsite septic systems for off-sewer developments in Ontario including Tiny Township.
Our septic system designs meet the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and offer the most affordable, long-lasting site-specific septic system design. Inappropriate septic system design, bad construction practices, or poor maintenance can all lead to septic system failure.
A small house with a maximum daily flow rate of about 1,600 liters/day, and if that system is being installed in sandy soil (which has a high absorption rate) then the system could be quite small and be installed at a cost of a few thousand dollars. On the other hand, a big house with a maximum daily sewage flow rate of 9,000 Liters/day and hard clay soil (which can only absorb 4 liters, per square meter, per day) then the cost could be over $50,000 because tertiary system may need to be installed.
Typical stamped engineering residential class 4 sewage system design complying with provisions of Division 8 Part 8 of O.B.C and if required, a design of a tertiary treatment unit, pump chamber, and a shallow buried trench would cost $1,695+HST and upon the receipt of all the required information, could be completed in 5 to 8 business days.
If required, a new soil sampling and particle size distribution analysis by an accredited laboratory to find the Unified Soil Classification as described in MMAH Supplementary Standard SB-6 and the "T" time would cost $695+HST. If Hydrometer Testing is required, it would cost an additional fee of $125+HST.
If the client wishes to have two separate septic systems design of a separate system would cost an additional fee of $795+HST.
If deemed necessary by the Tiny Township the lot owner may be requested to provide supporting reports, assessments, plans, and analyses including the following:
· Seasonal High Groundwater Elevation and bedrock elevations
· General soil properties and conditions
· Geotechnical Report
· Hydrogeological Assessment
· Calculation of Nitrogen Concentration and/or Phosphorus Reduction
· Nitrate-Nitrogen Dilution Calculation
Depending on the scope of work, the fee for preparing any of the above-mentioned reports/analyses may vary.
The septic contractor may have to contact the Municipal Officials to determine their requirements and if they need inspectors on site for the test pit investigation/assessment and a number of test pits and arrange for septic test pit digging equipment based on site accessibility.
We need the following to prepare a Septic Design:
· CAD drawing of a detailed site plan showing the location of wells and/or sewage systems on the subject property as well as neighboring parcels within 35 m of the subject property.
· CAD drawing of the grading & drainage plan
· Architectural Drawings showing
· Proposed floor plans showing the floor area, bedrooms, and plumbing fixtures.
· If applicable, locations of any regulatory flood lines or development limit lines
A minimum of two test holes 1.8 m/ 6 ft. deep or to bedrock or watertable must be dug in the area of the proposed leaching bed or tank before an inspection can be done. The leaching bed should be located in a level, well-drained area. Test holes should be protected until they have been inspected, then refilled.
Behalf of the Township of Tiny, Tatham Engineering Ltd. will inspect:
• test holes after they are dug but before any site preparation is started
• base of leaching bed when excavated, before any fill is placed
• completed installation, all components installed and visible for inspection prior to backfilling
• completed construction, after backfilling and house constructed
The Contact information for Tatham Engineering regarding a Septic System Permit Application as follows:
Bill Goodale C.E.T
Township of Tiny Sewage System Inspector
Tatham Engineering Limited
130 Balm Beach Road West, Tiny ON L0L 2J0
bgoodale@tathameng.com 705-527-0119
Our fee to apply for the Septic Permit - "On-Site Sewage System Approval" to the Tiny Township is $495 + HST plus disbursements for printing and courier.
Domestic Water Service to New Homes / Cottages - Tiny Township
The Tiny Township of Tiny owns and operates 16 Municipal drinking water systems in the following areas of the Tiny Township:
All other sites in Tiny Township are serviced by private wells. The Tiny Township does not have jurisdiction over private residential wells and does not have records regarding the installation, type, or location. Tiny Township's only requirement pertaining to private wells is that a potable water report from Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit is provided to grant occupancy by Tiny Township on the construction of a new home/cottage. A licensed well contractor may be of further assistance.
New Connection to Tiny Township's Water Service
Connection to the curb stop at the road is to be completed by the owner. Homeowners connecting to the Lefaive or Lafontaine Water Systems must call the Water Supervisor prior to connecting. These services may require Tiny Township to connect. The curb stop is part of the municipal water system and no person, including a licensed plumber, shall operate the curb stop. Any damages made to the existing water system during the connection will be repaired by Tiny Township at the homeowner's expense.
The service line must be 19 mm (3/4"). All fittings and service lines must have a 160 PSI rating and CSA approval. Polyethylene pipe service requires stainless steel inserts and a tracer wire (min. 14 gauge copper).
The water service line must be a minimum of 1.7 m (5ft) deep, with a minimum of 150 mm (6") of clean sand above and below it. The water service line must be left exposed (no backfilling) until the inspection has passed. Services located on Bluewater, Castle Cove, Cook's Lake, Georgian Bay Estates, Lafontaine West, Lefaive Pennorth, Rayko, Sawlog Bay, TeePee Point, Thunder Bay, Vanier Woods, and Woodland Beach water systems require a curb stop and drain valve, service box and service rod (Winter Service Valve). Services located on Perkinsfield, Lafontaine Village, Whippoorwill, and Wyevale water systems do not require a winter service valve).
An air pressure gauge must be installed on the line in a location easily accessed by Tiny Township's inspector. The line must be pressurized to 100 PSI. All inspections by Tiny Township must be arranged a minimum of 48 hours prior to the required inspection and during normal office hours Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Proper entry to inspect the inside connection must be available at the time of the inspection by Tiny Township. The owner or the contractor must be present during the Tiny Township's inspection. The Tiny Township will turn on the water service to the property when the inspection has been approved.
A driveway entrance permit must be obtained for any works done to a drivway entrance that affects the Tiny Township owned roadway. These works include the installation, relocation, redesign, and paving of a driveway entrance including the installation of a new culvert.
To apply for a driveway entrance permit from Tiny Township, complete and submit to the Tiny Township's Public Works Secretary via email at cbonneville@tiny.ca. Our fee for preparing stamped engineering driveway entrance drawings including the design of headwalls and culverts required for a residential driveway entrance permit application is $875+HST.
Ownership of Shoreline - Township of Tiny
The various scenarios regarding waterfront ownership rights for properties on Georgian Bay in Tiny Township include:
The Tiny Township has made significant efforts to sign and demarcate many beaches and beach access/pathways that are Tiny Township owned.
Contact Jenna Reid of Tiny Township if the beach is owned by the Tiny Township.
Jenna Reid
Communications/Committee Coordinator - Tiny Township
jreid@tiny.ca 705-526-4204 ext 277
If the beach is not owned by the Tiny Township, contact the Land Registry Office in Barrie to possibly obtain further information.
Review your deed/title information with a lawyer to obtain a legal opinion. The Tiny Township does not confirm title or easements for any deeded beach access for/from any particular private property.
Tiny Township's Contact Information
Pamela Zimmerman
Planning Administrative Coordinator - Tiny Township
pzimmerman@tiny.ca 705-526-4204 ext 258
Carrie-Ann Robillard
Building Permit Coordinator - Tiny Township
crobillard@tiny.ca 705-526-5965 ext 234
Lot Grading Security Deposit payable to Tiny Township
A Lot Grading Security Deposit of $1,000 per lot must be paid by the lot owner with all Building Permit applications to Tiny Township to construct a new home or cottage to ensure the Tiny Township receives a satisfactory Final Lot Grading Plan Certificate indicating satisfactory completion of the grading and drainage works as per the Lot Grading Plan approved by Tiny Township.
Inspection of Stormwater Devices During the Installation is required to confirm that all stormwater devices; including dry wells, soakaways, catchbasins, piping, and connections required have been installed in accordance with the approved plan/s.
During the installation of stormwater devices including dry wells, soakaways, infiltration galleries, catchbasins, and associated piping and connections, an inspection shall be conducted by our Professional Engineers licensed in Ontario to confirm the installation is in accordance with the approved plan/s. The person in charge of the construction project is responsible for making sure that the stormwater device is ready for inspection. Our fee for inspecting a stormwater device during its installation is $395⁺ʰˢᵗ plus the fee for the site visit of $295⁺ʰˢᵗ for travel time/distance.
Pre-Sod / Rough Grade Inspection / Assessment
If deemed necessary, pre-sod / rough grade inspections before installation of sod or landscaping in conjunction with the review of the approved stamped grading plan by our Professional Engineers licensed in Ontario would cost $395⁺ʰˢᵗ plus the site visit fee of $295⁺ʰˢᵗ for travel time/distance.
Final Lot Grading Inspection / Assessment
Inspection and assessment of final lot grading by our Professional Engineers licensed in Ontario are conducted once the lot has been graded and fully stabilized with sod or another suitable ground cover. Sodding of the lot will normally be carried out months after construction to allow for settling. It may also be delayed after occupancy due to the seasonal availability of sod.
Our fee for inspection and assessment of final lot grading, in conjunction with the review of the Tiny Township approved stamped lot grading plan by our Professional Engineers licensed in Ontario, is $495⁺ʰˢᵗ plus the site visit fee of $295⁺ʰˢᵗ for travel time/distance.
If final lot grading is in non-compliance, once the necessary repairs are performed, the lot is re-inspected for final grading certification.
Final Lot Grading Plan Certificate
The Final Lot Grading Plan Certificate will confirm that the lot grading, drainage works, and building elevations have been completed in conformance with the Lot Grading Plan approved by Tiny Township.
A stamped engineering final lot grading cplan ertificate will be submitted on a form acceptable to Township of Tiny.
A stamped engineering final lot grading plan certificate submitted on a form acceptable to the municipality for single-dwelling residential projects including custom build homes and additions will cost an additional fee of $295+HST.
As-Built Lot Grading & Drainage Plan
If required, a stamped engineering As-Built Final Lot Grading & Drainage Plan would cost an additional fee of $495⁺ʰˢᵗ
It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that all of the information submitted for a building permit to the Tiny Township is correct.
The Tiny Township is provided with the authority/power of entry onto the lots for the purposes of Lot Grading Plan Certification and Review.
Upon completion of site grading and sodding, the lot owner/shall be required to submit Final Lot Grading Plan Certificate, which has been certified by a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) licensed in Ontario to Tiny Township.
Upon receipt of the Final Lot Grading Plan Certificate by Tiny Township and provided all criteria of the Lot Grading Plan approved by Tiny Township have been met and the occupancy of the new home or cottage has been granted by Tiny Township, the lot owner shall apply in writing to Tiny Township for the release of the Lot Grading Security Deposit, without interest.
It is anticipated that some backfill settlements may occur over several years after the construction of a home or cottage, and as such, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to repair any settlements in order to maintain positive drainage away from the house or cottage at all times.
Sump pump discharge shall be installed on all buildings related to the approved Lot Grading Plan by Tiny Township. It is also the responsibility of the owner to maintain all roof downspouts and to ensure that no subsequent modifications to the grading of the lot are made which will adversely affect the drainage of adjacent lots.
For Additional Information, please contact one of our key staff
Land Line: 416 332 1743
After Hours / Text Messages: 416 727 8336
Email: landbuildex@gmail.com
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Mon | 08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. | |
Tue | 08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. | |
Wed | 08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. | |
Thu | 08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. | |
Fri | 08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m. | |
Sat | By Appointment | |
Sun | By Appointment |
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